Focus areas

what we do

The lab works on various projects that fall under the focus areas.

Focus areas

Parametric design is a process in which a design can be generated based on data or relationships between parts. This also offers countless possibilities for construction and infrastructure. Parametric design can be better referred to as ’parametric and Associative Design'. Associative means that relationships (Operation Logic) exist between the parameters. What makes parametric design special is that the designer must explicitly define (model) not only the parameters but also this operation logic. This actually means that parametric design is going to do exactly what the designer wants because he/she has defined it himself. Because relationships between parts have been established, design iterations can be made quickly by adjusting specific parameters


Generative design is a design process, where different types of generative AI software help generate different design options in industrial or engineering design processes for example. This principle is used by construction companies, design agencies, car designers, aircraft builders, architectural firms and construction companies. Designers or engineers enter design objectives into the generative design software, along with parameters such as performance or spatial requirements, materials, manufacturing methods, and cost constraints. The software explores all possible permutations of a solution and quickly generates design alternatives. It tests and learns from each iteration what works and what doesn't. This computer technology simulates the physical world and comes up with all kinds of suggestions for new products, angles or constructions at lightning speed. There is then no longer talk of artificial intelligence assisting humans in designing, but of humans giving artificial intelligence a helping hand in designing. Here is a video example of the AutoDesk office in Toronto.


Serious games are games that have a different purpose than entertainment. But what exactly are serious games? They are used to promote learning and behavior change. Serious gaming is used in various sectors such as education, healthcare, marketing and other businesses and industries. The power of serious games is that they are entertaining, engaging and immersive. Serious games combines learning strategies, knowledge, structures and game elements to teach specific skills, knowledge and habits. They are deployable in different areas and include challenges and rewards. This stimulates the player to continue playing and to absorb the knowledge.


A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately represent a physical object. The studied object, for example, a wind turbine, is equipped with various sensors that relate to vital functions. These sensors produce data on various aspects of the physical object's performance, such as energy output, temperature, weather conditions, and more. This data is then forwarded to a processing system and applied to the digital copy.

Eenmaal geïnformeerd met dergelijke gegevens, kan het virtuele model worden gebruikt om simulaties uit te voeren, prestatieproblemen te bestuderen en mogelijke verbeteringen te genereren, allemaal met als doel waardevolle inzichten te genereren – die vervolgens kunnen worden toegepast op het oorspronkelijke fysieke object.


VR, oftewel Virtual reality, is een online omgeving waarin een realistische situatie wordt nagebootst. Door gebruik te maken van verschillende zintuigen, komt de omgeving als ‘echt’ over. In de meeste gevallen komt daar een bril aan te pas. Het beeld of programma dat in de bril zit, kan zowel een echte video als een animatie zijn. Een veel voorkomende vorm van vr is 360 graden video’s. Deze video’s worden gemaakt met een speciale camera, waarbij aan alle kanten een lens zit. Zo wordt er in een keer een shot gemaakt van alles rondom de camera. 


Augmented reality is a 'layer' over reality. Think of games like pokémon GO, The Pokémon appear in the real world through your phone. One of the best-known developments besides Pokémon Go are the Google Glasses. With these glasses it should be possible to see what the weather will be like, without having to open a browser.








Mixed Reality is very similar to augmented reality, but differs in its core. With mixed reality it is possible to make computer graphics work together with the real world, a real interaction. This is not possible with augmented reality. In addition, like virtual reality, it is often as realistic as possible


The letters “BIM " are used in practice in three interrelated meanings. The first meaning is “Building Information Model", a digital representation of how a building is designed, realized and/or actually built. In the second sense, "Building Information Modeling", the emphasis is more on the process of collaborating on a digital building model. Related concepts are integral design, competitor engineering, lean planning and digital information sharing. In the third sense, "Building Information Management", the information itself is central: the management and (re)use of digital building information throughout the entire life cycle of the building.


Reality capture is the term we use to describe the process of scanning an object, asset, building or natural environment to create a digital representation at any given moment. The output of the scanning process is the creation of a digital snapshot of the real world using image or laser scanners. Depending on the size, location and aspect that we want to capture, there are different tools available.



Digitization primarily refers to recreating an object or environment in a digital environment. This can be done in different ways, such as laser scanning and photogrammetry. In addition to digital reproduction, digital reconstruction can also take place. For example, a broken object can be reconstructed to it's original state in a digital environment.

In addition, this offers the opportunity to bring these digital objects back into the real world by means of 3D printing. This can be done with different materials with different types of printers.

how we work

  • Project assignments from the market.  

These tasks can be brought in by a company or by a cluster of companies. The submitted tasks are screened by the LAB to see if they fit the defined focus areas. Furthermore, it will be examined whether the project will sufficiently lead to knowledge that is generically important for the sector and potentially to be shared.  

  • Project assignments from participating students themselves. 

As a student, you can also submit your own project in addition to submitted assignments from companies. This project will be assessed as to its adequacy within the focus areas and effectiveness for the curriculum. 

  • Project tasks from the roadmap from the lab. 

The ddthe lab itself has a roadmap with various issues that can be worked on. In this way, the continuity of the lab will be guaranteed al all times.